Sherlock Holmes Meets H.G. Wells, New Solar Pons Now Available on Amazon and Blurb, and a Great Halloween Holmes Anthology from MX Publishing!
Sherlock Holmes: Adventures in the Realms of H.G. Wells Now Available on Kickstarter Imagine Holmes trying to solve the case of an invisible man attacking London - matching wits with a traveler from out of time - tracking down a human/feline hybrid - using his deductive skills to help fight Martian and lunar invaders! These are just some of the stories included in the new anthology Sherlock Holmes: Adventures in the Realms of H.G. Wells . For this two volume collection of stories, we asked authors to tie Sherlock Holmes in with characters from at least one H.G. Wells story. Wells, though a writer of the fantastic, always tried to ground his writing in the possibilities of science. The results are astounding! Read how Holmes deals with characters and scenarios from: The War of the Worlds The Island of Dr. Moreau The First Men in the Moon The Time Machine The Invisible Man The New Accelerator The Man Who Could Work Miracles The Country of the Blind And many more!!...