Could Sherlock Holmes, Franz Kafka, and H.P. Lovecraft Make Sense of Twin Peaks: The Return Episode 8?
DERRICK: Okay, in our last article I had said that this entry in our Sherlock Holmes/ Twin Peaks blog series would compare the errors of Twin Peaks to Doyle's errors in the original Sherlock Holmes canon. However, after Twin Peaks episode 8 that entry will have to wait. There's just too much to discuss in episode 8 to let this one go by without a blog response. Be forewarned that, as always, there are spoilers ahead. Whether anything we write could spoil episode 8 is its own topic for debate. Depending on who you ask, episode 8 was either a clear explanation to much of the mystery of Twin Peaks (perhaps too much of an explanation), pure unadulterated madness upon the screen, or some degree in the middle. What is our opinion of the episode? We used the Sherlockian approach to observe, analyze and deduce. Observe This was easy enough to do as the episode was one of the most captivating hours in the history of television. We saw: *Doppelganger Cooper gets shot...