Cool Sherlockian News: The Great Sherlock Holmes Debate and The Art of Sherlock Holmes

Derrick Belanger will be defending the HBO show Miss Sherlock during The Great Sherlock Holmes Debate

There are currently a lot of cool happenings in the Sherlock Holmes community, so I'm just going to dive right in and let you know about them. Mark your calendars for these awesome events and book releases!

The Great Sherlock Holmes Debate (May 25th)

On May 25th, Derrick will be defending the HBO show "Miss Sherlock" in The Great Sherlock Holmes Debate. This event will be both online and at the Stepping Stones School in England. Here is the event description:

Sherlock Holmes holds the world record for the character most portrayed on screen – but have we gone too far? There are dozens of adaptations and Sherlockian experts from around the world have 1 slide and 90 seconds to defend a Sherlock adaptation. BBC Sherlock, Elementary, Granada Studios, Warner Brothers, Sherlock Gnomes, Pokemon Sherlock, Will Ferrell's Sherlock and many others will be argued for and against!

Featuring Lyndsay Faye, Bonnie MacBird, Amy Thomas, Mattias Bostrom, Jay Ganguly, Mary Platt, Dan Andriacco, Derrick Belanger, Janina Woods and many more of the world’s leading Sherlockians.

For more information about the Great Sherlock Holmes Debate, please click here.

The Art of Sherlock Holmes 

The Art of Sherlock Holmes is a totally unique experience. Imagine a dozen or more of the finest artists in the U.S. creating art for some the best new short stories written by some of the finest Holmes authors in the world. Each artist has envisioned their version of one story specifically selected for them. All stories and art in one large, hardcover, coffee table presentation volume. This first edition features artists from West Palm Beach, Florida.

The first book in the anthology is Derrick's "The Tale of the First Adventure," with an incredible art piece by Anthony Hernandez.  You have to check out all the wonderful art and stories in this unique collection.  

Anthony Hernandez's "The Tale of the First Adventure" based on the story by Derrick Belanger. Both works are included in The Art of Sherlock Holmes.
Now through June 3rd, you can see the art work from the book in person at The Ann Norton Sculpture Garden in West Palm Beach Florida. Here are two pictures of David Marcum, Phil Growick, and Brian visiting the gallery on a business trip. As you can see, they were working hard!

To promote The Art of Sherlock Holmes, Bits About Books is currently running a wonderful blog tour. I wrote an article about the development of my story "The Tale of the First Adventure" which you can read here.  See the blog tour schedule below:

That's all we've got time for in this blog entry. Look for another post soon about Derrick's talk at The Denver Pulp Culture Con (formerly the Denver Comic Con) and our new essay collection, Sherlock Holmes is Everywhere!

Belanger Books is a small press owned by artist Brian Belanger and author Derrick Belanger specializing in new Sherlock Holmes books, Solar Pons, Children's books, Classic Sci-fi, Steampunk, and genre specific anthologies.  Some of our books have been #1 bestsellers in their categories on Amazon.


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